الانتاج الخاص بــ : إيمان بصوص وفضل الله بصوص

Hatered speech is one of the most popular and common things nowadays on social media.Most of the people who use it often consider it asconstructive criticism.However, using harsh words in it can make your whole “constructive critical comment “appear hateful.
Recently, mostinfluencers on social media who are teenagersexposetheirprivate lifes to strangers may be is due to lack of attention they are depreide of.“hams, they try to find a place very often a virtual one where they seek intresrt from others
However, teenagers become very sensitive when it comes to insulting their family, their apperances, their way of talking, their mood change radicylly. Most of the content creators may end their career by suiciding thinking they are worthless.
As far as im concerned, I’ve always though, instead of those silly trends about the perfect family or the perfect life or perfect body why don’t we try to popularize accepting ourselves and loving themaccepting that we are different and that life has its ups and downs as they ré is nothing perfect on earth.
the search for “perfection” started with the illusion “if we are perfect we will find happiness” but I do think happiness starts with self-acceptance first before anything else.
In our daily life hatered speech is frequently used in many aspects and one of the most known is oral bullying which many people suffer from because it hasbecome a trend.
We can barely deny the strong relation between bullying and hatered speech because both of them use negative words and expressions and these become negative charges so even the bullying person who is supposed to be joyful and happy or powerful and scary, gets affected by these charges so he may not get a good amount of sleep or he may get nightmares and many more because these charges are more powerful than what we think; so every member ina bullying environment isn’t in peace
Even between friends; when joking around some words can be considered as jokes for some but for others it may trigger them directly or indirectly, not wanting to make an issue about it they just smile or laugh back but inside them it directly hurts them.Then for the next few hours or days or even months or years, it is the first thing they look at when in front of a mirror.
I’m not talking as someone who had never faced hatered speech or been a victim of it. I know that it’s harmful and totally wrongbut as I grow upI’ve known that it is called hatered speech and unfortunately it has became more popular and people have normalized ita.
Let’s take the example celebrities, it’s a common thought that the successful career that they get comes without working hard. People often they’re lucky However it is not true. These people make very hard effort to acheve their goals. People always harshly criticism musicien chiens ô r à tors or football players for the very simples and treval mistakes they make, but this is all out of ignoranceas they do not know the pain thèse célébritessuffer from.
Same goes for students, the hate they get from their classmates may cause physiological un balance for them
Last but not least, so shouldn’t we take a step forward to face the hatered life in social media and or evenreal life.For example, why don’t we start by not liking those hatered comments nor reading those articles or watching videos about scandals, and why don’t we start by making people more aware of this phenomenon because it is indeed better to light a candle of good acts than to curse the darknessof aimmoral society ?